Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Untangling the Power of the Linux "find" command

"find" is one of the most useful Linux/Unix tools in the toolbelt, but most people use only a fraction of its power. Many Linux/Unix questions seen online can be solved using the find command alone, getting familiar with its main functionality is one of the best things you can do for yourself in the long-term.

find lets you do anything from finding all your .jpg files to seeing "all of Michael's text documents that have the execute bit set and have been modified since yesterday." And when combined with exec or xargs, a properly constructed command can make quick work of some very heavy tasks.


Let's start simple by looking for things by name. Remember that the first argument you give find is where to look.

# find all files with something in their name

find . -name "*.jpg"

./Pictures/iPhoto Library/Data/2006/Roll 20/00697_bluewaters_1440x900.jpg
./Pictures/iPhoto Library/Data/2006/Roll 20/00705_cloudyday_1440x900.jpg
./Pictures/iPhoto Library/Data/2006/Roll 20/00710_fragile_1600x1200.jpg
./Pictures/iPhoto Library/Data/2006/Roll 20/00713_coolemoticon_1440x900.jpg
./Pictures/iPhoto Library/Data/2006/Roll 20/00714_cloudyday_1440x900.jpg

Note that by default when you give a location to start from (in our case "."), the find command starts there and drills all the way down during its search. So in this case I started from my home directory and it found the files all the way down in "~/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Data/2006/Roll 20" as well.

[ Placing quotes around the search criteria avoids issues with wildcard characters and is probably a good habit to get into. You can also use -iname instead of -name; it's the same but it's case insensitive ]

Find by User

# find all files that belong to a certain user

find . -user adaniel

./Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Tool/Undertow/01 Intolerance.m4a
./Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Tool/Undertow/02 Prison Sex.m4a
./Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Tool/Undertow/03 Sober.m4a
./Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Tool/Undertow/04 Bottom.m4a
./Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Tool/Undertow/05 Crawl Away.m4a
./Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Tool/Undertow/06 Swamp Song.m4a
./Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Tool/Undertow/07 Undertow.m4a
./Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Tool/Undertow/08 4 Degrees.m4a
./Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Tool/Undertow/09 Flood.m4a
./Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Tool/Undertow/69 Disgustipated.m4a

[ Also works for groups (-group) ]

Find by Type

# find only directories, files, links, or sockets

find . -type d


Those are all directories, and to look for the others (files, links, or sockets), just substitute f, l, s for the d in the command above.

Find by Size

# find things over a gigabyte in size

find ~/Movies/ -size +1024M


[ +M indicates that you're searching in megabytes, but you can also search in bytes or kilobytes if so desired. ]

Find by Modification Time

find also has a number of options that help one answer forensics-oriented questions such as when a file's contents or permissions were last changed.

# find all files in /etc owned by root that have been modified within the last day

find /etc/ -user root -mtime 1


The checks you can use here are:

    * -atime: when the file was last accessed
    * -ctime: when the file's permissions were last changed
    * -mtime: when the file's data was last modified

These searches are done in 24 hour increments and followed by a number n. If you want to match the exact 24 hour period you use n by itself. More frequently, however, you'll want to say everything since yesterday, or everything "more than 3 days ago." This is accomplished using the -n and +n options respectively.

There are also minute versions of the atime, ctime, and mtime arguments:

    * -amin: when (in minutes) the file was last accessed
    * -cmin: when (in minutes) the file's permissions were last changed
    * -mmin: when (in minutes) the file's data was last modified

Find by Permissions

# find all files in my directory with open permissions

find ~ -perm 777


Additional Forensics-oriented Options:

    * -nouser: shows output that's not associated with an existing userid
    * -nogroup: shows output not associated with an existing groupid
    * -links n: file has n links
    * -newer file: file was modified more recently than file.
    * -perm mode: file has mode permissions.


Just as with any good unix/linux command, the real power comes in combining options. You can combine find arguments using and, or, and not. By default if you use two different arguments you're and'ing them. If you want to use or you give the -o option, and if you want to get everything except something, you use the ! option.

# find .jpg images (files) owned by daniel

find . -user adaniel -type f -name *.jpg

./Pictures/iPhoto Library/autumn_woods.jpg
./Pictures/iPhoto Library/blue_forest.jpg
./Pictures/iPhoto Library/brothers.jpg

# now do the same, but exclude anything with "autumn" in the name

find . -user adaniel -type f -name *.jpg ! -name autumn*

./Pictures/iPhoto Library/blue_forest.jpg
./Pictures/iPhoto Library/brothers.jpg

# show me all ruby programs in /apps owned by root that have been accessed in the last two minutes

find /apps/ -user root -type f -amin -2 -name *.rb


Combining find with exec and xargs

What's the fun in finding a bunch of stuff if you're not going to do something with it? So while it's interesting to say, "show me stuff", it's far more useful to say, "Take every text file owned by ex-employee Jason that's hasn't been accessed in 60 days and move it to a remote backup folder."

Cookbook Examples Of find in action

Find all files on your system that are world writable. The 0002 denotes a 2 in the "other" field in the file permissions, which is the write bit:

find / -perm -0002

Collect files that are not owned by valid users and delete them:

find / -nouser -print0 | xargs -0 rm

Clean the images off of your *nix desktop:

find ~/Desktop -name "*.jpg" -o -name "*.gif" -o -name "*.png" -print0 | xargs -0 mv --target-directory ~/Pictures

** The -print0 option terminates results with a null character instead of the default newline, making it cleaner and less likely to balk in many cases

Correct the permissions on your web directory:

find /your/webdir/ -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 755
find /your/webdir -type f | xargs chmod 644

Show a list of files in /etc that have been modified since last month:

find /etc -mtime -30 

Thursday, November 25, 2010

25 Best SSH Commands / Tricks

OpenSSH is a FREE version of the SSH connectivity tools that technical users of the Internet rely on. Users of telnet, rlogin, and ftp may not realize that their password is transmitted across the Internet unencrypted, but it is. OpenSSH encrypts all traffic (including passwords) to effectively eliminate eavesdropping, connection hijacking, and other attacks. Additionally, OpenSSH provides secure tunneling capabilities and several authentication methods, and supports all SSH protocol versions.

SSH is an awesome powerful tool, there are unlimited possibility when it comes to SSH, here is the my top 25 SSH commands  

1) Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins
ssh-copy-id user@host 

To generate the keys use the command ssh-keygen

2) Start a tunnel from some machine’s port 80 to your local post 2001

ssh -N -L2001:localhost:80 somemachine 

Now you can acces the website by going to http://localhost:2001/ 

3) Output your microphone to a remote computer’s speaker

dd if=/dev/dsp | ssh -c arcfour -C username@host dd of=/dev/dsp 

This will output the sound from your microphone port to the ssh target computer’s speaker port. The sound quality is very bad, so you will hear a lot of hissing.

4) Compare a remote file with a local file

ssh user@host cat /path/to/remotefile | diff /path/to/localfile -

Useful for checking if there are differences between local and remote files.

5) Mount folder/filesystem through SSH

sshfs name@server:/path/to/folder /path/to/mount/point

Install SSHFS from This will allow you to mount a folder secure over a network.

6) SSH connection through host in the middle

ssh -t reachable_host ssh unreachable_host

Unreachable_host is unavailable from local network, but it’s available from reachable_host’s network. This command creates a connection to unreachable_host through “hidden” connection to reachable_host.

7) Copy from host1 to host2, through your host
ssh root@host1 “cd /somedir/tocopy/ && tar -cf – .” | ssh root@host2 “cd /samedir/tocopyto/ && tar -xf -”

Good if  you
only have access to host1 and host2, but they have no access to your host (so ncat won’t work) and they have no direct access to each other.

8) Run any GUI program remotely
ssh -fX <user>@<host> <program>

The SSH server configuration requires:

X11Forwarding yes # this is default in Debian

And it’s convenient to use:

Compression delayed

9) Create a persistent connection to a machine
ssh -MNf <user>@<host>

Create a persistent SSH connection to the host in the background. Combine this with settings in your ~/.ssh/config:

Host host
ControlPath ~/.ssh/master-%r@%h:%p
ControlMaster no

All the SSH connections to the machine will then go through the persisten SSH socket. This is very useful if you are using SSH to synchronize files (using rsync/sftp/cvs/svn) on a regular basis because it won’t create a new socket each time to open an ssh connection.

10) Attach screen over ssh

ssh -t remote_host screen -r

Directly attach a remote screen session (saves a useless parent bash process)

11) Port Knocking!

knock <host> 3000 4000 5000 && ssh -p <port> user@host && knock <host> 5000 4000 3000

Knock on ports to open a port to a service (ssh for example) and knock again to close the port. You have to install knockd.

See example config file below.

logfile = /var/log/knockd.log
sequence = 3000,4000,5000
seq_timeout = 5
command = /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -s %IP% -p tcp –dport 22 -j ACCEPT
tcpflags = syn
sequence = 5000,4000,3000
seq_timeout = 5
command = /sbin/iptables -D INPUT -i eth0 -s %IP% -p tcp –dport 22 -j ACCEPT
tcpflags = syn

12) Remove a line in a text file. Useful to fix

ssh-keygen -R <the_offending_host>

In this case it’s better do to use the dedicated tool

13) Run complex remote shell cmds over ssh, without escaping quotes

ssh host -l user $(<cmd.txt)

Much simpler method. More portable version: ssh host -l user “`cat cmd.txt`”

14) Copy a MySQL Database to a new Server via SSH with one command

mysqldump –add-drop-table –extended-insert –force –log-error=error.log -uUSER -pPASS OLD_DB_NAME | ssh -C user@newhost “mysql -uUSER -pPASS NEW_DB_NAME”

Dumps a MySQL database over a compressed SSH tunnel and uses it as input to mysql – i think that is the fastest and best way to migrate a DB to a new server!

15) Remove a line in a text file. Useful to fix “ssh host key change” warnings

sed -i 8d ~/.ssh/known_hosts

16) Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn’t have ssh-copy-id

cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh user@machine “mkdir ~/.ssh; cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys”

If you use Mac OS X or some other *nix variant that doesn’t come with ssh-copy-id, this one-liner will allow you to add your public key to a remote machine so you can subsequently ssh to that machine without a password.

17) Live ssh network throughput test

yes | pv | ssh $host “cat > /dev/null”

connects to host via ssh and displays the live transfer speed, directing all transferred data to /dev/null
needs pv installed
Debian: ‘apt-get install pv
Fedora: ‘yum install pv’ (may need the ‘extras’ repository enabled)

18) How to establish a remote Gnu screen session that you can re-connect to

ssh -t /usr/bin/screen -xRR

Long before tabbed terminals existed, people have been using Gnu screen to open many shells in a single text terminal. Combined with ssh, it gives you the ability to have many open shells with a single remote connection using the above options. If you detach with “Ctrl-a d” or if the ssh session is accidentally terminated, all processes running in your remote shells remain undisturbed, ready for you to reconnect. Other useful screen commands are “Ctrl-a c” (open new shell) and “Ctrl-a a” (alternate between shells). Read this quick reference for more screen commands:

19) Resume scp of a big file

rsync –partial –progress –rsh=ssh $file_source $user@$host:$destination_file

It can resume a failed secure copy ( usefull when you transfer big files like db dumps through vpn ) using rsync.
It requires rsync installed in both hosts.

rsync –partial –progress –rsh=ssh $file_source $user@$host:$destination_file local -> remote


rsync –partial –progress –rsh=ssh $user@$host:$remote_file $destination_file remote -> local

20) Analyze traffic remotely over ssh w/ wireshark

ssh ‘tshark -f “port !22″ -w -’ | wireshark -k -i -

This captures traffic on a remote machine with tshark, sends the raw pcap data over the ssh link, and displays it in wireshark. Hitting ctrl+C will stop the capture and unfortunately close your wireshark window. This can be worked-around by passing -c # to tshark to only capture a certain # of packets, or redirecting the data through a named pipe rather than piping directly from ssh to wireshark. I recommend filtering as much as you can in the tshark command to conserve bandwidth. tshark can be replaced with tcpdump thusly:

ssh tcpdump -w – ‘port !22′ | wireshark -k -i -

21) Have an ssh session open forever

autossh -M50000 -t ‘screen -raAd mysession’

Open a ssh session opened forever, great on laptops losing Internet connectivity when switching WIFI spots.

22) Harder, Faster, Stronger SSH clients

ssh -4 -C -c blowfish-cbc

We force IPv4, compress the stream, specify the cypher stream to be Blowfish. I suppose you could use aes256-ctr as well for cypher spec. I’m of course leaving out things like master control sessions and such as that may not be available on your shell although that would speed things up as well.

23) Throttle bandwidth with cstream

tar -cj /backup | cstream -t 777k | ssh host ‘tar -xj -C /backup’

this bzips a folder and transfers it over the network to “host” at 777k bit/s.
cstream can do a lot more, have a look

for example:

echo w00t, i’m 733+ | cstream -b1 -t2

24) Transfer SSH public key to another machine in one step

ssh-keygen; ssh-copy-id user@host; ssh user@host

This command sequence allows simple setup of (gasp!) password-less SSH logins. Be careful, as if you already have an SSH keypair in your ~/.ssh directory on the local machine, there is a possibility ssh-keygen may overwrite them. ssh-copy-id copies the public key to the remote host and appends it to the remote account’s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. When trying ssh, if you used no passphrase for your key, the remote shell appears soon after invoking ssh user@host.

25) Copy stdin to your X11 buffer

ssh user@host cat /path/to/some/file | xclip

Have you ever had to scp a file to your work machine in order to copy its contents to a mail? xclip can help you with that. It copies its stdin to the X11 buffer, so all you have to do is middle-click to paste the content of that looong file :)

Have Fun

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Managing Samba (Part 6 of 6): Remote GUI tools

While there are many tasks that can be performed from a command line, we no longer live in the Dark Ages, back when there were no graphical user interfaces (GUIs). There are graphical tools that can be used to manage Samba across a large corporate network. This tip addresses that subject. Are you ready?

Where eagles soar

Explore remote management options, and you'll find that neither free nor commercial Windows network management tools suit all IT shops' needs. There are no silver bullets. If your goal is to find a universal network management tool that will permit you to meet all site needs, no matter what, the news is not too bright.

While your thoughts may have been to soar with the eagles, you may have to content yourself with a more mundane solution. On the other hand, if your objective is to find a tool that may save a little hassle and make it possible for you to delegate some tasks to departmental managers, there is some good news.

Basic management tools

The Samba PDC (primary domain controller) configuration that was used in the last tip is rather simple. It uses the tdbsam binary database in which to store the SambaSAMAccount information.

The tdbsam passdb backend is unsuitable for use with a backup domain controller (BDC). Unix user and group accounts must be resolvable either from the /etc/passwd and /etc/group system account files or via the name service switcher (NSS) facility.

The fact that tdbsam does not permit operation of the PDC with a BDC means that this back end is limited to those sites that either have few users or many potential users at one location. The largest site I know that uses the tdbsam back end has 4,500 users. This back end can be used where the network is multi-segmented, but then fast WAN bandwidth is essential; otherwise, the infrastructure would collapse as a result of network logon failures.

With these provisos out of the way, let's consider remote network administration needs. Where this type of network configuration is in use, the most likely need is to permit delegation of the ability to join workstations to the network as well as user and group accounts. If care and attention is given to the design of file storage layout, it may not be necessary for departmental or divisional managers to create, delete or change share configurations.

In this situation, the Windows NT4 Domain User Manager will most likely be a sufficient tool for remote network management of users and groups. The NT4 Domain Server Manager, or the MMC Computer Management Console, could be used to administer shares and computers.

The NT4 Domain User Manager

In Figure 1, the Domain User Manager could be used to make Alex Monteiro a member of an additional group. It can also be used to change the primary group he belongs to. This is an example of a user account change.

Figure 1: Changing group membership

Figure 2 demonstrates the ability, using the NT4 Domain User Manager, to change the users who are members of a particular group.

Figure 2: Manipulation of group membership

It is increasingly necessary to limit user network access times and days. Figure 3 illustrates the capability to do this using the Windows NT4 Domain User Manager. This screen is accessed by clicking on the user account that must be managed.

Figure 3: Setting network access time limits

Domain access policies can also be set using the NT4 Domain User Manager. An example of policy setting is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Domain access policy setting

Using the NT4 Domain Server Manager

The NT4 Domain Server Manager can be used to manage domain computer accounts, access controls on shares (share level ACLs) and to create shares. The example shown in Figure 5 demonstrates the settings of share level ACLs. In NT4, this is referred to as the setting of Share Permissions. The Share Permissions configuration acts as a filter that controls who can connect to the share. This ACL information is stored in the Samba file /var/lib/samba/share_info.tdb; it is not set in the smb.conf file.

Figure 5: Managing Share Permissions (ACLs)

A share can also be created using this tool. For that operation to work, the smb.conf file must define the script that should be called to add, change or delete a share. Example scripts are provided in the Samba source code tarball in the examples/scripts/share directory.

Figure 6 demonstrates the use of the NT4 Server Manager tool to create a new share. The example scripts that are included with Samba-3 DO NOT automatically create the new directory; that is a responsibility the administrator must take care of either before or after creating the share.

Figure 6: Adding a new share

The Windows XP MMC Computer Management Console

The Windows 2000/XP Professional MMC Computer Management Console can be used to manage share level ACLs as well as file system permission settings. This use of this tool to create a new share is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Use of the MMC Console to create a new share

In Figures 6 and 7, it should be noted that the Samba UNIX path must be entered using Windows file system semantics. The path c:\data\archive\ will be automatically converted to the Unix semantics /data/archive/.

So far, it has been demonstrated that a Samba domain can be managed using the NT4 Domain User Manager and the NT4 Domain Server Manager. At this time, it is necessary to point out that these tools have their limitations when used from Windows 2000 or Windows XP Professional. That limitation is brought about because Microsoft has changed the underlying remote procedure call architecture in these products so that these tools can no longer be used to manage user rights and privileges from the later generation Windows platforms.

The NT4 Domain Management tools can be obtained from Microsoft's Web site. Just search for SRVTOOLS.EXE, download them and execute the file in the directory in which you want them to be installed.

There exists an equivalent tool called the Nessus Toolkit that can be installed on a Windows 9x/Me client. This tool can be used to manage all settings including user rights and privileges.

The NT4 Domain User Manager and the NT4 Domain Server Manager can be used, regardless of the passdb backend that Samba is using. However, sites that are using an LDAP directory to store and manage network users and groups will almost certainly desire an LDAP directory management tools that more succinctly manages the LDAP directory.

Administrative tool preferences are particularly personal. I have met administrators who prefer to use Webmin to manage the Samba configuration, user and group management.

There do not seem to be many today who make use of Samba's SWAT (Samba Web Administration Tool). SWAT was originally developed for the Samba-2 series.

LDAP Directory Managers

Just mentioning an LDAP directory browser is often enough to evoke a reaction. That is really just too bad, because directory browsers serve a very useful purpose, particularly for those who have a profound appreciation for the power they offer. Admittedly, not all LDAP browsers are created equally!

You may wish to check out the full range of open source offerings, or you may simply prefer to purchase a commercial tool set; the choice is yours. The following are LDAP directory browsing tools I find useful:

Name                                            Source URL                                               OS Platform   Language
LDAP Browser Any                  Java
LDAP Admin                                         Win32  Native EXE
phpldapadmin                               Web server PHP
Directory Administrator                                      Linux + BSD   C
GQ                                             Linux + BSD   C

Of the above, it would appear that GQ and Directory Administrator are no longer actively maintained. GQ is current in its architecture, but Directory Administrator does not fully support recent releases of OpenLDAP. The other tools are currently active projects.

There are many other choices in LDAP directory browsers. But as useful as they are to the administrator who manages LDAP directories that span a complex array of services and purposes, the use of a more work-flow or task-oriented tool is often preferred.

There are three tools that outshine the rest where it pertains to managing a Samba-3+ LDAP environment:

Name                                                   Source URL                          OS Platform          Language
LAM (LDAP Account Manager)            Web server              PHP
IMC (Idealx Management Console)            Web server              Perl

The LDAP Browser can be used to view and edit directory information, as is shown in Figure 8. The LDAP Browser lacks the facility to perform standard account operations without exposing information that a human resources manager or a departmental head would not need to know.

Figure 8: LDAP Browser showing a user account

Compared to the LDAP Browser, the LDAP Admin tool for MS Windows skillfully bridges both worlds. It looks and feels like LDAP Browser, but has added utilities that are more task-focused. Figure 9 provides a basic overview of what this tool looks like; but in Figure 10 you can see how it adds the nice touch of removing the complexity of having to deal with specific LDAP entities when adding a user account. It has this same smart touch for all management tasks.

Figure 9: LDAP admin basic view

Figure 10: LDAP admin create new user account

Although these tools look neat, they are oriented towards the more technically-competent directory administrator. There are a few tools that are designed to remove the appearance of being for the LDAP guru and that have a stronger task orientation. One example is LAM, the LDAP Account Manager. An example showing a partial list of users is given in Figure 11.

Figure 11: LDAP account manager user list

On the other hand, if you are using Samba-3 + LDAP, and have chosen to use the Idealx smbldap, Perl-based scripts, to permit Samba to interface to with the LDAP directory, you may choose to use the Idealx Management Console with the SambaConsole plug-in. Figure 12 presents a typical IMC console.

Figure 12: IMC user account console

Commercial utilities

It is good to see the number of companies that are providing tools and utilities to ease and facilitate the deployment and management of Samba-3. If your interest is in finding commercially-supported and/or commercial tools, check the Samba Website's vendors section and the GUI section.

Looking for more tools of convenience? Check out the following Web sites: QCD Interstructures; Vintela; and Centeris.


A detailed overview has been provided demonstrating how Samba-3 can form part of a fully integrated network management infrastructure. The series of articles now completed has shown how Samba-3 user and groups and Windows clients can be fully integrated. The documentation explained how security identifiers are handled across the disparate platforms, how user rights and privileges are implemented using Samba-3, the use of basic command-line management and configuration tools, how to create a basic smb.conf file for a PDC and how it is possible to manage the whole show using some simple as well as sophisticated GUI tools. Enjoy!

Managing Samba (Part 5 of 6): Configuration with the net utility, part two

In part one of this Samba-3 Management tip, we prepared for the big act. Now, the excitement begins. We're ready to use the net utility in the final steps in configuration of the primary domain controller.

Up to this point, no user account has been granted Windows network administrative rights and privileges. Our objective is to give the account mstone full administrative rights. This is simply achieved by making mstone a member of the Linux managersgroup. The managers group is mapped to the Windows Domain Admins group. However, life is not that simple. By default, the Domain Admin group has not rights other than to assign rights and privileges. This means that specific privileges must be assigned even to the Domain Admins group.

Create an administrative user account

Let's verify that mstone is a member of the managers group within the Linux environment:

root#> id mstone
uid=1001(mstone) gid=100(users) groups=100(users),1001(managers)

Now we must demonstrate that within Samba mstone is a member of the Domain Admins group:

root#> net rpc group members "Domain Admins" -S violetsblue -Umstone%n3v3r2l8

Good, mstone is a member of the Windows Domain Admins group. This is achieved by way of the mapping we established by executing:

root#> net groupmap modify ntgroup="Domain Admins" unixgroup=managers

Assign rights and privileges to the domain admins group

In this step, the Domain Admins group is assigned (given, or granted) all administrative rights:

root#> net rpc rights grant "Domain Admins" \
SeMachineAccountPrivilege \
SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege \
SeBackupPrivilege \
SeRestorePrivilege \
SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege \
SePrintOperatorPrivilege \
SeAddUsersPrivilege \
SeDiskOperatorPrivilege -S violetsblue -Umstone%n3v3r2l8
Successfully granted rights.

Make the PDC a domain member

The next step is to make our PDC a member of its own domain. This step requires domain administrative privilege which mstone has. Execute the following:

root#> net rpc join -Umstone%n3v3r2l8
Joined domain ROSESARERED

It is a good practice to validate every step, as we have done so far. The domain trust account that was created by joining the domain can appear to proceed correctly, but it may not work. This can be checked simply by executing:

root#> net rpc testjoin

Let's run a further check to see obtain the status of the domain environment:

root#> net rpc info -S violetsblue
Domain SID: S-1-5-21-3169455399-2908770435-3209857667
Sequence number: 1135058837
Num users: 2
Num domain groups: 4
Num local groups: 0

So far, so good!

Create additional users

So far, the net command has been used to:

  • map Linux groups to Windows groups;
  • check Windows group membership;
  • join the PDC to its own domain;
  • validate the domain account (join); and,
  • check domain information (note: not dependent on the join).

In the last step, we confirmed that there are only two Windows user accounts and four Windows group accounts.

Let's add accounts for the users misty, jable, dstornton using the remote management net tool:

root#> net rpc user add misty -S violetsblue -Umstone%n3v3r2l8
root#> net rpc user add jable -S violetsblue -Umstone%n3v3r2l8
root#> net rpc user add dstornton -S violetsblue -Umstone%n3v3r2l8

The use of the net rpc group add facility results in Samba calling the add user script to add the account to the Linux account database (/etc/passwd), followed by addition to the passdb backend (tdbsam) specified in the smb.conf file.

Unfortunately, these accounts do not yet have a password. We must rectify that at once:

root#> net rpc password misty secretpw1 -S violetsblue -Umstone%n3v3r2l8
root#> net rpc password jable secretpw2 -S violetsblue -Umstone%n3v3r2l8
root#> net rpc password dstornton secretpw3 -S violetsblue -Umstone%n3v3r2l8

If the password secretpw1 is not added to the command line, this tool will prompt for the password to be entered. It looks like this:

root#> net rpc password misty -S violetsblue -Umstone%n3v3r2l8 
Enter new password for misty: XXXXXXXX

Now let's add misty to the group scientists:

root#> net rpc group addmem scientists misty -S violetsblue -Umstone%n3v3r2l8

It is possible to add the other new members. We can add a new group called warriors by executing this command:

root#> net rpc group add warriors -S violetsblue -Umstone%n3v3r2l8

Let's add misty so she will be a member of the new warriors group:

root#> net rpc group addmem warriors misty -S violetsblue -Umstone%n3v3r2l8

To remove misty from the warriors group, just use the delmem operator, as shown here:

root#> net rpc group delmem warriors misty -S violetsblue -Umstone%n3v3r2l8

Assign user rights

Often, it is necessary to give a user certain limited administrative privileges. An example is making it possible for a normal user to manage printing operations. In this case misty is assigned the printer management capabilities:

root#> net rpc rights grant "ROSESARERED\misty" SePrintOperatorPrivilege \
-S violetsblue -Umstone%n3v3r2l8

Assigned rights can be examined as shown here:

root#> net rpc rights list accounts -S violetsblue -Umstone%n3v3r2l8
BUILTIN\Print Operators
No privileges assigned
BUILTIN\Account Operators
No privileges assigned
BUILTIN\Backup Operators
No privileges assigned
BUILTIN\Server Operators
No privileges assigned
No privileges assigned
No privileges assigned

Wrapping up

The net utility permits very extensive remote management of a Samba server. So far, I have demonstrated how this tool can be used to join a Samba server to its domain, add/delete/change user and group accounts, map Linux groups to Windows groups, add users to groups, and so on. The use of this tool to assign rights and privileges has also been briefly touched upon.

The use of this command is well documented in The Official Samba-3 HOWTO and Reference Guide in chapter 12. The latest version of this document is available from This document is also available from in hard copy under ISBN No: 0131882228.

The series continues

This is the fifth article in my Managing Samba series. Articles in this series have so far explained:

  • Windows network identity basics and their use in Samba-3;
  • Windows NT/200x user rights and privileges in Samba 3.0.11 and later;
  • Domain control parameters and operating system interface scripts in the Samba smb.conf file.
  • The pdbedit utility to manage domain and user account policy settings.

The next article will deal with remote GUI management tools and facilities. It will review various GUI tools that can be used to facilitate network management. Of course, some will quickly point out that if this can be made simple enough, it should be possible to delegate many day-to-day operations to senior user staff and thus reduce the cost of keeping the network operational.

Managing Samba (Part 5 of 6): Configuration with the net utility, part one

The net utility plays a key role in completing the configuration of a Samba-3 domain controller or activating and managing a Samba-3 domain member server.

This tip discusses the practical use of the net command. It can be used for initial configuration as well as for on-going system maintenance of Samba-3 domain security environments. My key objective is to demonstrate the assignment and use of network administration tasks using a non-root account. This capability was first available with Samba-3.0.11 and is surely ready for prime-time use. The examples shown here provide the key to safe deployment of Samba using samba-3.0.21.

Pre-flight check

Before launching into the use of the net utility, it is best to quickly check that you have installed a valid smb.conf.master file. A modified version of the file I used previously is shown in Figure 1. This file can be converted into the operational smb.conf file by executing:

root#> testparm -s smb.conf.master > /etc/samba/smb.conf

Always check the validity of the file before starting Samba. The recommended way to do this is by executing:

root#> testparm
Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
Processing section "[homes]"
Processing section "[printers]"
Processing section "[netlogon]"
Processing section "[profiles]"
Loaded services file OK.
Server role: ROLE_DOMAIN_PDC
Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions

Before starting Samba, it is a good idea to check that there are no tdb files on the system and that may be a left-over from a previous execution of the smbd and nmbd deamons.

Samba-3 will create tdb files in the following directories:

Red Hat Linux: /etc/samba, /var/cache/samba

Never remove the tdb files from a working Samba server unless you really do know what you are doing. The /etc/samba/secrets.tdb file contains essential security data that includes the domain SID. The /etc/samba/passdb.tdb file contains the SambaSAMAccount information. Our example network uses the passdb backend = tdbsam method of storing Windows network account information.

You can remove old Samba run-time files after first stopping the nmbd and smbd daemons by executing:

Red Hat Linux:

root#> service smb stop && service nmb stop
root#> rm /etc/samba/*tdb /var/cache/samba/*

Start the Samba smbd and nmbd daemons using the appropriate method for your Linux platform. On a Red Hat Linux execute:

root#> service nmb start && service smb start

Sites that use an LDAP directory to store all account information require more detailed configurations that are beyond the scope of this article series; however, the net command can be used in the same manner as is described below. This tool is independent of the account back end and simply calls the scripts that are specified in the smb.conf file for all host environment dependent operations.

There are yet a few more things that must be completed before your start can move on. The objective of this series of tips is to end up with a working Samba domain controller. This requires the creation of user and group accounts on the PDC. There are two sides to these accounts: the Linux system account; and the SambaSAMAccount.

The first article in this series described the relationship between the system account and the Windows networking accounts (or SambaSAMAccounts).

The last tip in this series, which covered pdbedit, stepped through the account creation process. If you followed each step, your system should now have a number of Linux user and group accounts, each of which has been configured to have an equivalent Windows networking account.

So that all steps are covered in this tip, I will briefly, and without explanation, create the accounts that are necessary for the use of the net command. The steps that are necessary for this are shown in Figure 2.

Note: Some Linux distributions do not permit addition of a user (machine) account with the home directory specified as /dev/null. If your platform is one of these it will be necessary to change the add machine script parameter in the smb.conf file to use a permitted value.

All right! You've laid the foundation. Now, in part two of this tip, we'll get down to the final steps in configuration of the primary domain controller.

Managing Samba (Part 4 of 6): The pdbedit utility, part 2

The pdbedit tool in Samba-3 is the only one that can manage account security and policy settings. As it was said in part one of this tip, having control of account security and policy settings is important to businesses that must comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Now, I'll show you how to put pdbedit to work creating Linux system user and group accounts; assembling Windows group accounts, thus mapping Windows group accounts to Linux group accounts; adding Windows user accounts; and establishing network access policies and controls.

First, let's get on with the establishment of Linux system user and group accounts.

Two group accounts will be created, one for scientists, and one for managers:

root #> groupadd scientists 
root #> groupadd managers

Two user accounts will be created here: one for Tom Bryant (scientists), and one for Melinda Stone (managers). Both users require a home directory. The following steps will create these accounts:

root #> useradd -m -c "Tom Bryant" -G scientists -g users tbryant
root #> passwd tbryant
New Password: XXXXXXX
Re-enter New Password: XXXXXXX
root #> useradd -m -c "Melinda Stone" -G managers -g users mstone
root #> passwd mstone
New Password: XXXXXXX
Re-enter New Password: XXXXXXX

Both accounts are specifically created to be primary members of the users group, and secondary members of the respective groups to which they also belong.

Creation of Windows group accounts

Linux group accounts must now be mapped to Windows group accounts. The following commands will map the key Windows domain groups to local Linux system accounts:

root #> net groupmap modify ntgroup="Domain Admins" unixgroup=managers
root #> net groupmap modify ntgroup="Domain Users" unixgroup=users
root #> net groupmap modify ntgroup="Domain Guests" unixgroup=nobody

The next commands will create Windows groups that will match the Linux group accounts:

root #> net groupmap create ntgroup="Scientists" unixgroup=scientists type d

Addition of Windows user accounts

The following steps create the SambaSAMAccount entries in the passdb backend that was chosen in the last article (tdbsam). The use of the pdbedit tool will demonstrate the account information that can be managed.

root #> pdbedit -a tbryant
new password: XXXXXXX
retype new password: XXXXXXX
root #> pdbedit -a mstone
new password: XXXXXXX
retype new password: XXXXXXX

Both accounts have now been added. This is demonstrated here:

root #> pdbedit -Lw
tbryant:6001:0E74DBD7B1C3CC88AAD3B435B51404EE:72BBEAA844F6E0E9CE546CE7E61C963F:[U ]:LCT-439530A0:
mstone:6002:744F505BEE319723AAD3B435B51404EE:5F7D844D278CD6898B4022AE766CCA1A:[U ]:LCT-43953197:

SambaSAMAccount information can be displayed using the pdbedit tool:

root #> pdbedit -Lv tbryant 
Unix username: tbyrant 
NT username: 
Account Flags: [U ] 
User SID: S-1-5-21-726309263-6128913605-1168186429-13000 
Primary Group SID: S-1-5-21-726309263-6128913605-1168186429-1201 
Full Name: 
Home Directory: \\violetsblue\tbryant 
HomeDir Drive: H: 
Logon Script: scripts\logon.bat 
Profile Path: \\violetsblue\profiles\tbryant 
Account desc: 
Munged dial: 
Logon time: 0 
Logoff time: Mon, 18 Jan 2038 20:14:07 MST 
Kickoff time: Mon, 18 Jan 2038 20:14:07 MST 
Password last set: Mon, 05 Dec 2005 23:37:11 MST 
Password can change: Wed, 07 Dec 2005 23:37:11 MST 
Password must change: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 23:37:11 MST 
Last bad password : 0 
Bad password count : 0 

The use of the tdbsam backend account database makes it possible to override any of these settings.

Had the smbpasswd backend database been used, it would not be possible to change these settings, because this database does not store the advanced attributes of the SambaSAMAccount data structure.

It is possible to set a forced password change for just one user in the following:

root #> pdbedit --pwd-must-change-time="2006-01-31" \ 
--time-format="%Y-%m-%d" tbryant 
Unix username: tbryant 
Password last set: Mon, 05 Dec 2005 23:37:11 MST 
Password can change: Wed, 07 Dec 2005 23:37:11 MST 
Password must change: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 00:00:00 MST 

In many cases, it is more desirable to create a global network access policy than to be required to set each account separately. The global setting must be in place before user accounts are created, otherwise the old settings will continue to be used. The per-user settings override the global settings.

In the following example, a global policy will be implemented. The policies that can be set include:

  • min password length
  • password history
  • user must logon to change password
  • maximum password age
  • minimum password age
  • lockout duration
  • reset count minutes
  • bad lockout attempt
  • disconnect time
  • refuse machine password change

In our example,  stringent Sarbanes-Oxley compliance settings will be implemented.

root #> pdbedit -P "min password length" -C 8
description: Minimal password length (default: 5)
account policy "min password length" value was: 5
account policy "min password length" value is now: 8

The policy was set to eight characters. Security conscious sites may want to set this to 14 characters:

root #> pdbedit -P "password history" -C 5
Length of Password History Entries (default: 0 => off)
account policy "password history" value was: 5
account policy "password history" value is now: 5

In the example above, the last five passwords will be remembered. This means that an old password can be reused only after six unique passwords have already been used. We want a minimum password age of 45 days (3888000 seconds).

root #> pdbedit -P "minimum password age" -C 3888000
description: Minimal password age, in seconds (default: 0 => allow immediate password change)
account policy "minimum password age" value was: -1
account policy "minimum password age" value is now: 3888000

A password can be changed only after 45 days:

root #> pdbedit -P "maximum password age" -C 3888000
account policy "maximum password age" description: Maximum password age, in seconds (default: -1 => never expire passwords)
account policy "maximum password age" value was: -1
account policy "maximum password age" value is now: 3888000

Passwords must be changed every 45 days. This means that an old password can be re-used only after 270 days. If the minimum password age is left at the default, a smart user can simply enter six new passwords and then reset the original password in rapid succession, thereby defeating the controls.

root #> pdbedit -P "bad lockout attempt" -C 3
description: Lockout users after bad logon attempts (default: 0 => off)
account policy "bad lockout attempt" value was: 0
account policy "bad lockout attempt" value is now: 3

The setting above ensures that the user account will be locked out after three failed logon attempts. This is an important means by which password cracking attempts may be thwarted.

Where an LDAP password back end is used, the policy settings must be exported to the LDAP directory. This can be done by executing:

root #> pdbedit -y -i tdbsam -e ldapsam

It must be noted that the full capabilities mentioned in this article were stabilized in the Samba-3.0.21 release. Where Sarbanes-Oxley compliance is required please use the most recently released stable version.

The use of the Samba pdbedit tool has been shown to be a simple matter. Once you have mastered it, you'll be ready to move on to the next phase of mastering Samba management: the practical use of the net command, both for initiation configuration as well as for on-going system maintenance. That's the topic of the next episode in the Managing Samba series.

Managing Samba (Part 4 of 6): The pdbedit utility, part 1

Administrators who want to make the most of Samba-3 need to know their PDCs (Primary Domain Controllers) . If you're migrating from Windows to Linux, or remotely managing Samba-3, knowing how to prepare and use Samba-3 PDC is a must.

Remote management of Samba is easily enabled by use of appropriate configuration settings. To achieve proper usage, you have to prepare the Samba-3 PDC for use. This article discusses the first steps, those that involve the pdbedit command. Detailed examples will be provided to demonstrate how this tool can be used to set password expiration limits, reconfigure the location of a users home folder, the location of the users roaming profile, and so on.

Additionally, the article will explain how to disable roaming profiles for all or some users, and will provide guidelines for Microsoft (MS) Windows workstation configuration to bring sanity to network management.

Before we get started, let us consider again some key facts regarding the way the Samba integrates with the server operating system that is hosting it.

Samba interaction with the host operating system

A few simple facts must be stated. There are many postings to the Samba mailing lists in which the author is perplexed that certain commands have failed to produce the behavior that was expected.

Samba implements MS Windows file and print services without overriding Linux system security. What does this mean? It means that:

  • MS Windows users and groups must map to local operating system UIDs and GIDs.
  • Therefore, Samba does not create Linux (POSIX) user and group accounts, but passes this responsibility off to interface scripts.
  • All file system access is limited by the normal Linux security constraints that apply to the mapped UID/GID information. Where in the smb.conf file share stanza parameters are specified to force a particular action. For example: force user, force group, force create mode, etc. Basic Linux file system access controls remain in effect.
  • Samba tools and utilities do not interfere with Linux system administration. The tools never add user or group accounts, and that is why the administrator can specify scripts for all such operations. If the scripts are not specified in the smb.conf file, Samba will reject an attempt to add a use for which there exists no POSIX (system) account. Samba tools do not interfere with file and directory access controls.
  • Because Samba must deal with the semantics that are used by MS Windows networking, it provides a method by which network access can be controlled. The pdbedit tool is the primary command-line tool by which these control may be affected.

The pdbedit tool

The pdbedit tool can only be used by root. It is used to manage the passdb backend, and domain-wide account policy settings. In general, pdbedit can be used to:

  • list user and group accounts
  • migrate user, machine and group accounts
  • manage account policies
  • manage domain access policy settings

Under the terms of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, American businesses and organizations are mandated to implement a series of internal controls and procedures to communicate, store and protect financial data. This legislation has far-reaching implications, with respect to the following issues:

  • who has access to information systems that store financial data
  • how personal and financial information is treated among employees and business partners
  • how security vulnerabilities are managed
  • security- and patch-level maintenance for all information systems
  • how information systems changes are documented and tracked
  • how information access controls are implemented and managed
  • audit ability of all information systems in respect of change and security
  • disciplinary procedures and controls to ensure privacy.

In short, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is an instrument of law that demands accountability in regards to business-related information systems, so as to ensure the compliance of all information systems that are used to store personal information and, particularly, for financial records processing. Similar accountabilities are being demanded around the world.

The need to be familiar with the Samba tools and facilities that permit information systems operation compliance with government laws and regulations is clear to all. The pdbedit utility is currently the only Samba command line-driven tool that provides the capacity to manage account, systems access controls and policies. During the remaining life-cycle of the Samba-3 series, it is possible the new tools may be implemented to aid in this important area.

The pdbedit tool is the lone device that can manage account security and policy settings. It is capable of superset of the old Samba smbpasswd capabilities. One particularly important purpose of the pdbedit, is to allow the migration of account information from one passdb backend to another.

So, let's get down to brass tacks, or brass code. In part two of this tip, I'll show you how to create Linux system user and group accounts; create Windows group accounts; map Windows group accounts to Linux group accounts; add Windows user accounts; and establish network access policies and controls.

Continue to part two of this tip.

Managing Samba (Part 3 of 6): Configuration for remote management, part two

You tasted basic Samba configuration in part one of this tutorial. Now, let's get into something much meatier: Samba PDC (primary domain controller) configuration.

The following smb.conf file contents demonstrate the use of the key parameters as well as a few additional ones required to round out a Samba primary domain controller. The key point to observe is the settings for the interface scripts. The example uses the passdb backend = tdbsam, and this means that this PDC is not -- I repeat, not -- suitable for use with a BDC (backup domain controller).

A PDC that has the configuration file shown in this example is a subset of the configuration that is depicted in the book, Samba-3 by Example, second edition. The extracted example does not make use of WINS (the Windows Internetworking Name Server) for NetBIOS to IP address name resolution and eliminates a few more refinements. In this article, my objective is to demonstrate a more basic configuration. The example file is fully functional, but it lacks some of the bells and whistles that can be used to create a more stable environment. The latter Samba environment can be obtained by carefully following the examples in the book.

The [homes] share is properly called a meta-service and is used to dynamically create a user home folder share from the Unix system account information.

The [printers] share is another example of a meta-service. In this case, it defines the generic Unix directory into which a print job will be spooled until it is ready to be sent to a Unix system printer by way of a standard operating system print command. Where CUPS (the Common Unix Print System) is used, Samba will pass the print job directly via a built-in CUPS library interface.

The permissions on the /var/spool/samba directory should be set by executing:

chmod 1777 /var/spool/samba
chown root /var/spool/samba
chgrp users /var/spool/samba

The [netlogon] share is necessary for domain controller operation. The logon.bat script specified in the smb.conf file must be stored in DOS file format in a directory called scripts inside the /var/lib/samba/netlogon directory.

The [profiles] directory will permit the storage of Windows roaming profiles. The permissions on this directory are important and should be set so that the default group can write to the directory. An example of suitable configuration is:

chown root /var/lib/samba/profiles 
chgrp users /var/lib/samba/profiles 
chmod 2775 /var/lib/samba/profiles

As domain users log onto and then out of the Windows workstations that are domain members, the users profiles will be written automatically to the directory /var/lib/samba/profiles/'username'.

workgroup = ROSESARERED 
netbios name = VIOLETSBLUE 
passdb backend = tdbsam 
username map = /etc/samba/smbusers 
enable privileges = Yes 
log level = 0 
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log 
max log size = 50 
add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -m '%u' 
delete user script = /usr/sbin/userdel -r '%u' 
add group script = /usr/sbin/groupadd '%g' 
delete group script = /usr/sbin/groupdel '%g' 
add user to group script = /usr/sbin/usermod -G '%g' '%u' 
set primary group script = /usr/sbin/usermod -g '%g' '%u' 
add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -s /bin/false -d /dev/null '%u' 
logon script = scripts\logon.bat 
logon path = \\%L\profiles\%U 
logon drive = h: 
logon home = \\%L\%U 
domain logons = Yes

comment = Home Directories 
valid users = %S 
read only = No 
browseable = No

comment = SMB Print Spool 
path = /var/spool/samba 
guest ok = Yes 
printable = Yes 
use clientdriver = Yes 
default devmode = Yes 
browseable = No

comment = Network Logon Service 
path = /var/lib/samba/netlogon 
guest ok = Yes 
locking = No

comment = Profile Share 
path = /var/lib/samba/profiles 
read only = No 
profile acls = Yes

Before starting Samba's smbd and nmbd daemons, the contents of the smb.conf file can be validated by executing testparm. This is a very useful tool to verify that there are no critical errors or typos.

It may be useful to rename smb.conf file to smb.conf.master, and then let the testparm utility generate the smb.conf file by executing:

testparm -s smb.conf.master > smb.conf

The resulting smb.conf file will be fully optimized. Additionally, if there are any significant errors, these will be reported as the file is created.

If all went well, go ahead and start Samba. Check the documentation for your operating system platform for information regarding how to start the smbd and nmbd daemons. Alternatively, refer to chapter 1 of the book, The Official Samba-3 HOWTO and Reference Guide, 2nd Edition, for further Samba start-up information.

Operation of Samba can be validated by executing:

#> smbclient -L localhost -U% 
Domain=[ROSESARERED] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.21] 
Sharename Type Comment 
--------- ---- ------- 
netlogon Disk 
profile Disk 
IPC$ IPC IPC Service (Main Server) 
ADMIN$ IPC IPC Service (Main Server) 
hp940 Printer HP DeskJet 940c 
Cups-PDF Printer Cups-PDF 
Domain=[ROSESARERED] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.21] 
Server Comment 
--------- ------- 
Workgroup Master 
--------- ------- 

If you've made it this far, then the Samba server is operative and it should now be possible to administer it remotely. Congratulations!

If you want to keep reading, go to the next article by clicking here.

Managing Samba (Part 3 of 6): Configuration for remote management, part 1

Samba is the bridge between Linux and Microsoft worlds. Samba-3 can help administrators create transparent interoperability of Microsoft Windows client with a Unix or Linux server environment. Even so, seamless interoperability is not easy to achieve, but mastering some Samba configuration tasks helps. So, let's get started with this tutorial on smb.conf.

Use the configuration parameters in the Samba smb.conf configuration control file to permit the transparent management of Samba using tools that are native to the Microsoft Windows environment.

By the way, this is the third installment in a series on Managing Samba. The first article in this series explains how Samba handles Windows security identifiers. The second tip describes user rights and privileges in the Microsoft Windows networking environment.

Anatomy of a Samba configuration

To appreciate the complexity involved in creating transparent interoperability of a Microsoft Windows client with a Unix or Linux environment, open up a system shell on your Samba host server and execute this command:

testparm -sv | more

You will soon discover that there are over 300 parameters that are capable of being set in the smb.conf configuration file. While it may be tempting to discuss every one of them, this is not necessary. Even a complex Samba configuration can usually be accomplished using fewer than 30 specific parameters in the [global] section of the smb.conf file.

The parameters fit into a set of functional categories. The functional categories determine how Samba will interact with Windows networking protocols, how Samba will interact with the underlying Unix file system and how Samba will interface with the host operating system.

In this next section, I'll list some terms that summarize commonlyused configuration parameters.

Base parameters

  • netbios name - sets the machine name (i.e. the computer name). If not set, the name of the host server will be used
  • netbios aliases - can be used to present the Samba server under multiple computer names
  • workgroup - sets the workgroup name (the same as an NT4 domain name)
  • realm - is applicable only when Samba is an Active Directory domain member
  • interfaces - instructs Samba which network interfaces to use -- when used with bind interfaces only = Yes instructs Samba to provide file services (TCP ports 139 or 445) only on the specified interfaces. NetBIOS name resolution services (UDP ports 137 and 138) will work on all interfaces.

Lightweight Directory Access protocol (LDAP) controls

LDAP controls are only necessary when Samba is run as a primary domain controller/backup domain controller (PDC/BDC) combination. Basic mandatory controls when using an LDAP directory to store Samba account credentials include:

  • ldap admin dn - defines the administrative DN needed to write to LDAP
  • ldap suffix - defines the base directory information tree
  • ldap [user,group,machine,idamp] suffix - sets the container in which various accounts records are stored

Logging parameters

The default parameter values are usually adequate and normally used for debugging. Commonly used parameters include:

log level - sets the diagnostic intensity level.

  • Typical values are: 
  • 0 - Record only critical errors 
  • 1 - default 
  • 3 - For debugging simple file system access problems 
  • 5 - For complex system diagnostics 
  • 10 - Permit detailed diagnosis of authentication errors

log file - specifies the name of the log files.

Example: /var/log/samba/%m.log - creates a separate log per client

max log size - sets size limit at which Samba should rotate the log file. The file is renamed to oldfile.log and a new file is created.

System interface scripts

The system interface scripts are called when an external application requires management of host operating system environment information. An external application can be the NT4 Domain User Manager or the Samba net utility. When a Windows client is joined to the domain, the add machine script is called to create the Unix system account that is needed so that the appropriate SambaSAMAccount entry can be created to store the machine trust account information.

Examples of necessary actions include user/group account manipulation, add/edit/delete shares, add/edit/delete printers, call system initialization scripts, etc. The common parameters needed are as follows:

  • Account management: add group script, add machine script, add user script, add user to group script, delete group script, delete user from group script, delete user script, set primary group script, rename user script 
  • Note: Where LDAP is used the scripts specified should be able to manage the directory contents. Where LDAP is not used the normal U system account management tools can be specified. For example: add user scriptl= /usr/bin/useradd -m '%u'.
  • Resource management: add share command, change share command, delete share command, add printer command, delete printer command, abort shutdown script, shutdown script

Samba operating mode parameters

Let's move on to Samba operating mode parameters:

  • domain logons - when set to Yes, Samba will enable the network logon service. This creates the domain control capabilities needed for a PDC/BDC.
  • enable privileges - when set to Yes, enables assignment of rights and privileges. Note: only Samba-3.0.11 and later.
  • logon drive - lets the drive that Windows NT4/200x/XP clients will associate with the execution of network logon scripts. This is the drive to which the home directory will be mounted if net use /home is executed on a Windows client, either in a command shell or from the logon script.
  • logon home - used only by Windows 9x/Me clients.
  • logon script - the logon script that is executed when a user logs onto a domain member client.
  • passdb backend - specifies which backend system Samba will use to store SambaSAMAccount information. The default is smbpasswd, the two common alternatives are tdbsam and ldapsam. Both the ldapsam and the tdbsam types are capable of storing the advanced SambaSAMAccount information. The smbpasswd method is not capable of storing the advanced account information.
  • security - this parameter sets the Samba server mode. Acceptable settings are:
  • user - means Samba is either a standalone server or a domain controller.
  • domain - means Samba is an NT4-style domain member.
  • ads - means Samba is an Active Directory member (uses Kerberos authentication and security, but only as a member -- not as an ADS domain controller.
  • server - means that Samba is not a domain member, but is using an external authentication server. Uses pass-through authentication that has been largely obsolete.
  • domain master - Leave this set at the default value on all systems except a BDC. On a BDC, this parameter must be set to No.

There are many additional parameters that are useful for specific purposes. Refer to the smb.conf online main page for detailed information regarding each parameter.

For the most part, the setting of unnecessary parameters in the smb.conf files is unnecessary and potentially problematic. It is very good advice to keep the smb.conf file as simple as possible.

Now that your appetite is whetted for Samba configuration, I've got a new treat for you. Move on to part two for an example of a Samba PDC configuration. I'm sure you'll find it very satisfying.

Click here to read part two of this tip.

Managing Samba (Part 2 of 6): User rights and privileges

When faced with making Linux and Windows work together securely, system administrators can run into trouble if they don't understand or can't correctly use the administrative security controls that are present in the Microsoft Windows operating system (OS) and the Samba-3 equivalents of those controls.

So, let's take a look at the tools administrators should be familiar with and the rights and privileges that can be managed.

This is part two of  a six-part series, titled Managing Samba. In part one, I covered Windows network identity basics. Stay tuned, as the next article in this series will review the process of establishing a Samba configuration that is able to be securely managed using traditional Windows administrative tools.

Why user rights and privileges matter

Many people get confused by the fact that, by design, Windows NT/2000/XP provides the capacity to restrict access to almost every part of the operating system, yet the facilities that permit files and directories to be secured through use of restrictive access controls are frequently ill-used, if they're used at all.

Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition is commonly configured so that the default user has full administrative privilege and thus bypasses most native operating system security provisions. It is, therefore, no wonder that virus and worm infections can march forward with the utmost pace and force.

Many users expect to have the ability to create accounts and to install software without constraint. My objective is not to discuss the defense mechanisms against virus and worm activity, but to focus on administrative rights and user capabilities.

Windows XP Home Edition does not provide the ability to manage file system access controls. In every respect therefore, the dominant operating system in the consumer market place, Windows XP Home Edition, provides little to no security control capability.

Windows XP Professional provides the capability to manage access control lists (ACLs) on file system resources, but few people learn how to manage them effectively. Despite this, ACLs are a valuable asset in a networked environment and are a common part of Windows security domains. Windows XP Professional also permits the assignment of administrative tasks to users and groups. These facilities are of significant importance in the creation and maintenance of a secure networking environment.

A key reason for the exercise of constraint in corporate networks is the protection of data and, in particular, the protection of confidential data. In the U.S., the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is used to enforce restrictive data access in many industries.

Samba-3 is transparent in respect of file system security controls. So long as the underlying file system of the server on which Samba is being hosted has ACL support and, providing that Samba-3 has been compiled to support the handling of ACLs, Windows administrators and users will have the ability to manage ACLs on exported file systems on the Samba-3 server.

Windows domain membership and security

Machine (computer) accounts are used in the Windows NT OS family to store security credentials for domain member servers and workstations. A computer account is created when a Windows client joins a Windows NT4 domain, or when it is made a member of a Microsoft Windows 200x Active Directory domain.

As part of the startup process of a domain member machine, it goes through a validation procedure that includes an exchange of credentials with a domain controller. If the domain member fails to authenticate, using the credentials known for it by domain controllers, the machine will be refused all access by domain servers.

Within the context of a domain logon, the computer account is essential to the way that Microsoft Windows secures authentication. The computer account is used only to authenticate domain member machines during the startup, a security measure designed to block man-in-the-middle attempts to violate network integrity.

Windows Domain Administration Controls

By default, the ability to add machines to the domain is limited to the Windows domain administrator account. The right for other users or groups to add machines to the domain can be granted by the administrator using the appropriate tool.

The Windows NT4 server management tool can be used to manage domain member machines (servers and workstations). The right to add workstations to the Windows NT4 domain can be granted using the Windows NT4 domain user manager. This particular privilege that must be assigned to a user or group so that they can add machines to the domain is called SeMachineAccountPrivilege. The title in the NT4 domain user manager rights management panel is called Add workstations to domain. The list of available privileges that can be assigned in Windows NT4 is shown here:

Additional Windows privileges were added in Windows 2000 and are also available in Windows 2003 and Windows XP Professional. These may be found in Figure 2.

The Windows 200X privileges are a super-set of those available with Windows NT4. Some of the privileges present in the Windows NT4/200X environments are of unique relevance to those operating systems and have no direct equivalent in a UNIX- or Linux-based Samba environment.

The privileges that make sense within a Linux environment have been implemented in Samba-3.0.x since the 3.0.11 release. These are summarized below.

In comparing the privileges that are present in Samba with those supported by Microsoft Windows NT4/2000/2003, those found in Samba are also supported in Windows server products.

Windows administrative privileges can be assigned to Windows users and Windows groups, thereby permitting relatively fine-grained assignment of administrator privileges on an as-needed basis. For example, where it is desirable that a Windows user called joebartemy should be able to add Windows clients to the domain, his account can be assigned the SeMachineAccountPrivilege thus preventing this user from gaining any other administrative capabilities. Likewise, members of the Windows group Marketing Staff can be given the ability to manage printers and print jobs by granting this group the SePrintOperatorPrivilege.

Allocating administrative privileges

Samba versions prior to 3.0.11 required the use of a UNIX account that has UID=0 (the root account) for a number of core administrative operations. Operations that require this level of privilege within the Unix operating system environment include management of user and group accounts, change of file ownership, print job management and so on. Older versions of Samba provided work-around methods to permit some of these essential tasks to be completed. Those that could not be side-stepped simply had to be done by the root account, or its equivalent.

Samba-3.0.11 and later allow the creation and administration of a Samba server without needing to resort to the use of the root account. Users who are members of the Domain Admins group automatically have the necessary privileges to manage all aspects of Samba. Those who need to be assigned specific roles can be given the minimum level of access necessary to perform the tasks they are responsible for. Someone who has been given the SeMachineAccountPrivilege can add machines to the domain and those who have been given the SePrintOperatorPrivilege can now manage printers, print jobs and more.

Management of Windows administrative privileges

Samba-3 provides a command-line tool for the management of user rights and privileges. The use of the net utility, as well as the administration of user rights and privileges are documented in the Samba3-HOWTO book, and correct has also been documented in the Samba3-ByExample book.

An example of use of the net command to assign the ability to add machines -- Samba servers, Windows servers and clients -- to the Samba domain for the domain MIDEARTH and the user jerry is shown here:

net rpc rights grant "MIDEARTH\jerry"
SeMachineAccountPrivilege -S PDC -

This operation can also be performed by using the Windows NT4 Domain User Manager. This handy utility may be obtained from the Microsoft support Web site. A more recent version of this tool is also available.

An example of use is demonstrated in Figure 4.

The steps that lead up to this Windows panel are:

Log onto Windows XP Professional as a user who has administrative rights.
Launch the UsrMgr.exe.
Click on the Policy tab.
Click on the User Rights entry.

Another tool that can be used to manage user rights is a commercial package called Hyena. The latest at the time of preparation of this article was version 6.5.

The next article in this series will document the configuration of a Samba domain controller so that user rights and privileges can be managed using the tools we have reviewed here.