Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Getting Started With Munin - A Simple Setup

We have two machines; a server we want to monitor (serverA, IP: and a server which will monitor it (serverX, IP:

Setting up the node

On the server we want to monitor, we need to install munin-node.

serverA $ sudo apt-get install munin-node

By default, only serverA itself will be allowed to connect to this node to retrieve the data; we need to explicitly allow serverX to connect to it; this is done at the end of the configuration file of munin-node (usually in /etc/munin/munin-node.conf).

serverA $ sudo vi /etc/munin/munin-node.conf

You will find the following line:

allow ^127\.0\.0\.1$

Below, allow the IP adress of serverX to connect (the ^ and $ at the beginning and at the end are important):

allow ^xxx\.xxx\.xxx\.xxx$

As munin-node runs as a daemon, you need to restart it to make the changes active.

serverA $ sudo /etc/init.d/munin-node restart

Setting up the munin

On the monitoring server, we install munin:

serverX $ sudo apt-get install munin

We need to tell munin that we want it to monitor serverA. Munin's configuration munin.conf is usually to be found in /etc/munin/.

serverX $ sudo vi /etc/munin/munin.conf

At the end of the file, add the following:

use_node_name yes

serverA should be the name of your machine. Domain is the "domain" of your machine; in fact it is more a group name, used to sort your servers. You can choose to sort by location (server1.edmonton...), by role (server1.apache), or whatever you feel is relevant. The usual notation I found everywhere is [serverA.domain]; I don't know why, as it creates a problem with domain names using dots, and makes the domain name appear after every node name in the overview page. I would recommend to use the notation I gave.

Munin is a Perl script run every 5 minutes by cron. The cronjob should have been set automatically during the installation. Therefore, you don't have to restart it; just wait 5 minutes.

Making the files accessible

Your files should already be available in /var/www/munin by now. Make them available by installing an HTTP server; lighttpd would do the job here.

serverX $ sudo apt-get install lighttp

You can then access the monitoring via your favorite browser with the address

Congratulations! Munin is working. Your server is now monitored, the default setup should be enough for most of the cases. But there is a lot of other cool stuff you can do with munin, which I will describe now :).

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